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8kW Single-Phase Hybrid PV Installation, Teteven

10kw hybrid photovoltaic installation in Teteven. Designed for meeting the needs of the household and serving as an emergency power supply.

The installation consists of 17 pieces of 470W high-efficiency photovoltaics with a 30-year performance warranty. The panels are located on two adjacent slopes on the house’s roof. There they will have exposure to direct sunlight throughout the entire day.

The single-phase hybrid inverter allows monitoring of the installation through a mobile application. The app provides information about the current state of all elements of the installation, its efficiency and various other statistics, such as what are the ecological benefits of the power plant and others.

In order to provide the household with an uninterrupted power supply and to allow taking advantage of the solar power even when there is insufficient sunlight, the installation also includes batteries.

Below you can find some pictures from the installation process, as well as what it looks like in its finished state.

Get in touch with, so that we can design and build the optimal photovoltaic installation for your needs together!

You can also take a look at our example offers, which include detailed descriptions of all that is needed to build a similar photovoltaic installation.
